Welcome to Casa Joseph Zicatela.
Discover contemporary luxury with signature Oaxaca charm in this meticulously designed oceanfront hotel.
Reflecting the best of local culture with dining wellness and legendary service, we delight our guests with unique experiences that are memorable and personal.
The perfect spot to build intimate bonds with nature. Here guests will find many opportunities to get lost in the beauty surrounding Zicatela, through relaxation, yoga, horseback riding, and surfing.
Enjoy the luxury of our 5 star adults only all suite beachfront hotel and experience the magic of
Mexico´s most exclusive beach.
Whatsapp: +52 1 954 135 3324
Hotel Front Desk: +52 95 4135 3324
Events & Experiences: +52 954 146 4472
Casa Joseph Zicatela
The most exclusive adults only hotel in Puerto Escondido.